Rytietiški kvepalai vyrams

59 Produktai

    Rytietiški kvepalai vyrams dažnai pasižymi sudėtingais ir įdomiais aromatų deriniais, kurie suteikia jų kvapams ypatingą charakterį. Vaisių, gėlių, šviežių ir švelnių medžių kvapų kombinacijos sukuria subtilų ir elegantišką kvapą, kuris puikiai tinka tiek kasdieniam naudojimui, tiek ypatingoms progoms.
    59 Produktai
    Brutus Bronzino II perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Brutus Perfume
    Brutus Bronzino II parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €68,00 Įprasta kaina €80,00 Sutaupote €12
    Paris Corner North Stag Huit VIII extrait de parfum for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Paris Corner Perfume
    Paris Corner North Stag Huit VIII extrait de parfum for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Paris Corner Perfume
    Paris Corner North Stag Huit VIII extrait de parfum vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €40,80 Įprasta kaina €48,00 Sutaupote €7,20
    FW Vie Eau perfumed water for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Vie Eau perfumed water for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Vie Eau
    Nuolaida €34,00 Įprasta kaina €40,00 Sutaupote €6
    FW Vie Sol perfumed water for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Vie Sol perfumed water for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Vie Sol
    Nuolaida €34,00 Įprasta kaina €40,00 Sutaupote €6
    FW Vie Brise perfumed water for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Vie Brise perfumed water for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Vie Brise
    Nuolaida €34,00 Įprasta kaina €40,00 Sutaupote €6
    Paris Corner Ethic Killer Oud perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Paris Corner Perfume
    Paris Corner Ethic Killer Oud perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Paris Corner Perfume
    Paris Corner Ethic Killer Oud parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €33,99 Įprasta kaina €39,99 Sutaupote €6
    RIIFFS Wonder Of You perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume RIIFFS Perfume
    RIIFFS Wonder Of You perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume RIIFFS Perfume
    RIIFFS Wonder Of You parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €29,75 Įprasta kaina €35,00 Sutaupote €5,25
    LF Afrozy Arabica Extrait de Parfum for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Lion Francesco Perfume
    LF Afrozy Arabica Extrait de Parfum vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €29,75 Įprasta kaina €35,00 Sutaupote €5,25
    LF Afrozy Red line Extrait de Parfum for men 100ml - Royalsperfume Lion Francesco Perfume
    LF Afrozy Red line Extrait de Parfum vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €29,75 Įprasta kaina €35,00 Sutaupote €5,25
    Nusuk Ana Al Awwal Blue perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume NUSUK Perfume
    Nusuk Ana Al Awwal Blue perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume NUSUK Perfume
    Nusuk Ana Al Awwal Blue parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €28,90 Įprasta kaina €34,00 Sutaupote €5,10
    Nusuk Ana Al Awwal Black perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume NUSUK Perfume
    Nusuk Ana Al Awwal Black perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume NUSUK Perfume
    Nusuk Ana Al Awwal Black parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €25,49 Įprasta kaina €29,99 Sutaupote €4,50
    PENDORA SCENT Night of the Man eau de parfum for men 100ml - Royalsperfume PENDORA SCENT Perfume
    PENDORA SCENT Night of the Man parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €20,40 Įprasta kaina €24,00 Sutaupote €3,60
    PENDORA SCENT WAYFARER parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    PENDORA SCENT Luxurious Night perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume PENDORA SCENT Perfume
    PENDORA SCENT Luxurious Night perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume PENDORA SCENT Perfume
    PENDORA SCENT Luxurious Night parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    Nuolaida €19,55 Įprasta kaina €23,00 Sutaupote €3,45
    FW Star Men perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Star Men perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Star Men
    Nuolaida €19,54 Įprasta kaina €22,99 Sutaupote €3,45
    PENDORA SCENT Hope Red Edition perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume PENDORA SCENT Perfume
    PENDORA SCENT Hope Red Edition parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 100ml
    FW La Uno el uno para hombres perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW La Uno el uno para hombres perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World La Uno El Uno Para Hombres
    FW Wurood perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Wurood
    FW El Uno Para Hombres Intense perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World El Uno Para Hombres Intense
    FW Bad Lad perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Bad Lad perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Bad Lad
    Nuolaida €20,40 Įprasta kaina €24,00 Sutaupote €3,60
    FW Beverly perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Beverly perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Beverly
    Nuolaida €17,85 Įprasta kaina €21,00 Sutaupote €3,15
    FW Godolphin perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Godolphin
    Nuolaida €17,85 Įprasta kaina €21,00 Sutaupote €3,15
    FW Suspenso perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Suspenso perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Suspenso
    Nuolaida €17,85 Įprasta kaina €21,00 Sutaupote €3,15
    FW Valiance perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    FW Valiance perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Valiance
    Nuolaida €17,85 Įprasta kaina €21,00 Sutaupote €3,15
    FW White INK perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World White Ink
    Smart Collection N-535 perfumed water for men 30ml - Royalsperfume Smart Collection Perfume
    Smart Collection N-535 parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 30ml
    L'intense De Blue Black Essence perfumed water for men 200ml - Royalsperfume L`Intense De Blue Perfume
    L'intense De Blue Black Essence parfumuotas vanduo vyrams 200ml
    Nuolaida €24,00 Įprasta kaina €48,00 Sutaupote €24
    FW Pure X Supreme Gold perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Pure X Supreme Gold
    Nuolaida €17,85 Įprasta kaina €21,00 Sutaupote €3,15
    FW Knight perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Knight
    FW Pure X Nuit perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Pure X Nuit
    Nuolaida €17,85 Įprasta kaina €21,00 Sutaupote €3,15
    FW Proud Of You perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Proud Of You
    FW Proud Of You Absolute perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Proud Of You Absolute
    FW Abraaj Viking perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Abraaj Viking
    Nuolaida €21,25 Įprasta kaina €25,00 Sutaupote €3,75
    FW Ambero perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Ambero
    FW Bavaria The Gemstone HAWK Eau de Parfum for men 80ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Bavaria The Gemstone HAWK
    Nuolaida €20,40 Įprasta kaina €24,00 Sutaupote €3,60
    FW Abraaj Valour perfumed water for men 100ml - Royalsperfume World Fragrance Perfume
    Fragrance World Abraaj Valour
    Nuolaida €20,83 Įprasta kaina €24,50 Sutaupote €3,67
    Neseniai peržiūrėjai


    Pradėkite nuo pageidaujamos kvapų grupės nustatymo (pvz., gėlių, medienos,
    citrusinius, rytietiškus) ir apsvarstykite, kokiomis progomis naudosite
    kvepalus (pvz., kasdienius, oficialius, dieninius, vakarinius). Gaminių aprašymai ir klientų atsiliepimus taip pat gali būti naudingi pasirenkant kvepalus. Taip pat galite apsvarstyti galimybę išbandyti mėginukus arba jų rinkinius prieš perkant pilno dydžio buteliuką.

    Pagrindinis skirtumas yra kvapiųjų aliejų koncentracija, kuri
    turi įtakos kvapo ilgaamžiškumui ir intensyvumui. Parfumuoto vandens
    koncentracija yra didžiausia įprastai 15-20%. Tualetinio vandens koncentracija
    (5-15 %) ir Odekolonas (2-4 %). Todėl EDP paprastai išlieka ilgiau.
    ir turi stipresnį kvapą nei EDT ar EDC.

    Kvapų natos - tai atskiri kvapai, kurie sudaro kvepalų
    kompoziciją. Paprastai jos skirstomos į tris kategorijas: viršutinės natos, vidurinės (arba širdies) natos ir bazinės natos.

    Viršutinės natos - tai pirminiai kvapai, kuriuos jaučiate, ir paprastai jie yra lengvesni ir lakesni.

    Vidurinės natos atsiranda išsisklaidžius viršutinėms natoms ir sudaro širdies natų
    kvepalų pagrindą.

    Bazinės natos yra ilgiausiai išliekančios ir suteikia gilumo
    ir ilgaamžiškumo kvapui.

    Kvepalai gali skirtingai kvepėti skirtingiems žmonėms dėl mūsų skirtingų odos savybių. Jei turite sausą odą, galite rinktis stipresnius, labiau koncentruotus kvepalus, nes įprastai kvepalai išlieka ne taip ilgai ant sausos odos. Jei jūsų oda riebi, naudokite lengvesnės koncentracijos, pavyzdžiui tualetinį vanduo.

    Paprastai lengvesni, gaivesni kvapai tinka dienai ir
    šiltesniais mėnesiais, o sunkesni, sodresni kvapai labiau tinka
    vakarams ir šaltesniems mėnesiams. Tačiau geriausi kvepalai bet kokiai progai
    yra tie, kurie leidžia jaustis patogiai ir pasitikėti savimi.

    Oriental Perfume for Men: A Fragrant Journey

    In the realm of fragrances, Oriental Perfumes for Men stand out as a captivating and sophisticated olfactory experience. Originating from the rich tapestry of the East, these fragrances have a centuries-old history steeped in luxury, tradition, and mystique.

    Rooted in the ancient perfumery traditions of the East, Oriental Perfumes have a distinct character that sets them apart. Crafted with precision and care, these fragrances often feature a harmonious blend of spices, woods, and exotic resins. The result is a scent profile that evokes warmth, sensuality, and a timeless allure.

    Much like a captivating story, Oriental Perfumes unfold in layers, revealing a symphony of notes that dance on the skin. The top notes often introduce vibrant spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, and nutmeg, creating an immediate impression. As the fragrance settles, the heart notes emerge, showcasing luxurious floral accords like jasmine, rose, or oud. Finally, the base notes, often composed of rich woods, amber, and musk, provide a lingering and memorable finish.

    What makes Oriental Perfumes for Men truly special is their ability to evoke a sense of opulence and sophistication. The intricate combination of ingredients reflects the cultural richness of the East, creating a scent profile that is both exotic and alluring. These fragrances are designed for the discerning man who appreciates the artistry of perfumery and seeks to make a statement with his scent.

    One of the distinctive features of Oriental Perfumes is their longevity. The concentrated nature of these fragrances ensures that they linger on the skin throughout the day, leaving a trail of sophistication wherever you go. This characteristic makes them an ideal choice for special occasions or those who prefer a fragrance that endures.

    Applying Oriental Perfume is an art in itself. A few well-placed spritzes on pulse points, such as the wrists and neck, allow the fragrance to interact with the warmth of the body, unlocking its full potential. This application method ensures that the fragrance becomes a part of your persona, creating a signature scent that leaves a lasting impression.

    For those seeking a journey into the exotic and the extraordinary, Oriental Perfumes for Men offer an unparalleled experience. Whether exploring the bustling souks of the East or attending a sophisticated soirée, these fragrances become a companion that complements and elevates the wearer's presence. Discover the allure of Oriental Perfumes for Men – an enchanting fusion of tradition, luxury, and timeless masculinity.

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